Geothermal & Alternative Energy
- What’s a “WaterFurnace”?
an investment in affordable comfort

The secret of a WaterFurnace system’s clean, efficient operation is the earth’s ability to store heat. In fact, 47 percent of the sun’s energy that reaches our planet is absorbed into the earth. That’s 500 times more energy than all of humanity would need in a year! And it’s an unlimited source of energy.
an investment in the preservation of our environment for generations to come

Installing a WaterFurnace system in a typical home is the environmental equivalent of planting 750 trees—or taking two cars off the road. WaterFurnace systems don’t burn fossil fuels or emit carbon dioxide, which has been associated with the greenhouse effect and global warming.
The Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium says current geothermal systems save more than 14 million barrels of crude oil every year. And because the only energy needed to run geothermal systems is a small amount of electricity, they reduce the need for new coal-powered electric power plants. Result? Cleaner air and less acid rain.